Thursday, March 28, 2013

Congratulations to Brampton Music Theatre

Congratulations to Brampton Music Theatre for their appearance on Daytime Peel and upcoming 50th anniversary celebrations. Watch Sharon Vandrish & Lumena Daniel of BMT on their March 20 Daytime Peel appearance. BMT chats about their upcoming Gala & more at the Rose.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


EAST is calling for youth between the ages of 15 to 19 who are interested in videography for the EAST Documentary Collective!

Presented by Scarborough Arts, EAST is a project creating a buzz and attracting attention from aspiring young musicians, new media journalists and youth interested in getting into the arts and entertainment industry. EAST is made up of three components: Project Management Collective, Music Collective and Documentary Collective.

EAST Documentary Collective is a collaborative project where members will learn how to use a DSLR
camera for videography, storyboard, and shoot and edit documentaries and music videos. The EAST Documentary Collective will be covering topics involved in the pre-production, production and post-production of film-making. Basic equipment is provided. The new collective commences in April 2013 and will run until August 2013.

To register or for more information, contact EAST Coordinator, Jen D. Fabico at (416) 698-7322 or
Deadline to register is April 10, 2013 - midnight

Follow EAST on Twitter at @EAST_Collective or ‘like’ us on Facebook at to check out our EAST updates and progress.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

THIS WEEK! Knit a Ruffle Scarf

March 21st, 7pm – 9pm at 115 Orenda Road.. Back by popular demand!!  $25 Workshop with Tanya J. No knitting experience necessary! You need size 9 US (5.5) knitting needles and Red Heart Sashay yarn (Get it Walmart or Michaels). Tanya will teach you how to knit a ruffle scarf. It's basic knitting. People that have knit before will pick it up faster but it's pretty simple. Pre-register for this class by email. Limited spaces available. Call or email now! Visit, a division of Brampton Art Fair, for more Call 647-761-2247 for more deets!

Youth Writers Club Meeting

March 27, 6 – 8 PM at Four Corners Brampton Library Branch, 65 Queen St E. Open to Secondary school students. This club and its monthly meetings are to inspire and enhance the writing skills of aspiring youth writers, to publish selected works, and to learn from special guest authors. 905-793-4636. Registration required. Limited space of 20.


Saturday, April 13, 2013YOUTH AUDITIONS (25 and under) for Brampton Chamber Music Concert Series at Koichi Inoue’s Piano Studio, 69 Ready Court, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 4T4. Candidates must be Brampton residents, accepting either vocalists or instrumentalists within classical genre. Entry forms and fee must be received by March 25, 2013. An ORMTA production.

For forms, rules and regulations,

Originally published on March 7, 2013 at 1:13 PM 


HOT MUD. DEADLINE: March 15, 2013. The exhibition will take place in the Lee-Chin Family Gallery at the BAC (Burlington Art Centre), from September 7 to November 4, 2013. A survey of the most exciting and promising emerging artists working with ceramics in Canada today.

Originally published on February 27, 2013 at 1:31 PM
Republished on March 7, 2013 at 11:13 AM


Be original. Be creative. 
Be part of the new Canada Day Challenge!

The Department of Canadian Heritage invites youth between 8 and 18 years old to enter the new Canada Day Challenge (formerly the Canada Day Poster Challenge).  

It is an opportunity for young people to express what Canada means to them by submitting a piece of creative work inspired by this year’s theme Canada: Strong and Free.  

They can enter in one, two or all three of the following categories:
· Draw it! (original poster design)
· Snap it! (digital photography)
· Write it! (creative writing)

Plus, they can win great prizes, including a trip to Ottawa, Ontario to take part in the 2013 Canada Day celebrations on Parliament Hill, an iPad mini and much more!  

For more information on the Canada Day Challenge, including complete contest rules and regulations, entry forms and printer-friendly learning resources, please visit

The submission deadline is March 22, 2013. Best of luck to all those who participate!


Sois original. Sois créatif. Relève le Défi de la fête du Canada!

Le ministère du Patrimoine canadien est fier d’inviter les jeunes entre 8 et 18 ans à participer au nouveau Défi de la fête du Canada (anciennement le Défi de l’affiche de la fête du Canada).

C’est une occasion pour les jeunes d’exprimer ce que le Canada signifie pour eux en soumettant une œuvre inspirée par le thème de cette année Des plus brillants exploits.

Les jeunes peuvent participer dans l’une, deux ou trois des catégories suivantes :
· Dessine-le! (affiche originale)
· Prends-le en photo! (photo numérique)
· Écris-le! (création littéraire)

Il y a des très beaux prix à gagner, y compris un voyage à Ottawa pour participer aux célébrations de la fête du Canada 2013 sur la Colline du Parlement, un iPad mini et beaucoup plus!

Visitez notre site au pour en apprendre davantage sur le Défi et pour télécharger le matériel d’apprentissage imprimable.
La date limite pour participer au concours est le 22 mars 2013. Bonne chance à tous les participants!

Originally published on  February 11, 2013 at 1:34 PM
Republished on February 13, 2013 at 3:32 PM, February 27, 2013 at 1:11 PM, March 7, 2013 at 11:07 AM, March 20, 2013 at 2: 21 PM, 


TOMORROW! CALL FOR ARTISTS: Beaux Art Brampton’s 6th Annual Open Juried Show 2013. DEADLINE: March 8, 2013. SHOW DATE: April 9 to May 4, 2013.

Originally published on February 13, 2013 at 3:38 PM.
Republished on February 27, 2013 at 1:13 PM, March 7, 2013 at 11:12 AM

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Open Juried Photography Show

CALL FOR ARTISTS! DEADLINE: Friday, April 5, 2013. 4th Beaux-Arts Open Juried Photography show is open to artists who wish to enter photography, video or digital media. Over $1000 in cash & prizes. SHOW DATES: May 7 – 25, 2013.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

North of 49 Trio gigs

North of 49 Trio has tons of shows coming up! Catch them Mar 8 at Lionheart Pub. Mar 9 at the Ivy Bridge in Brampton. Check out more of the BAC member Dan McVeigh’s band at

WRITING for the FUN of it! #3

March 16, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM. A Non-Fiction Writing Workshop on 2nd floor at Brampton Library. Designed for beginning, emerging & established writers. Using springboard exercises we’ll write, share & discuss. This could be your opportunity to gain insight, new skills & inspiration. Expect 2 hours of well-structured writing and lots of laughs. Theme: Non-Fiction. $15.Offered by BAC member Kimberley Williamson. Email or phone 289.233.3943 & please leave a message.

Soap Making Intro

Sunday, March 17, 1-5pm. at 115 Orenda Road. What you'll learn from start to finish is cold processing soap making. You will learn tips and tricks to make batch after batch of organic soaps. Supplies provided. Book your space now! To find out more give The Art Workshop, a division of Brampton Art Fair, a call or drop an email. 647-761-2247

Next NSAI Meeting

Will be on March 19, 2013 at 7:30 PM in Brampton Arts Council offices, 24A Alexander St, house in the corner. AGENDA: Make Your Melodies Pop - From Webcast in September 2012. It’s the repetition, it’s the rhythm, it’s the best that you can give ‘em. .

Originally published on March 7, 2013 at 11:53 AM
Re-published on March 20, 2013 at 2:27 (also modified).